Publication Date: July 31, 2023
Launch of our Company’s Blog for News Releases and also our Monthly Newsletter:
To provide timely news on the exciting developments that our company is involved with, our company has now launched a Blog in our Website that provides immediate News Releases of important and timely information. Watch for exciting changes to our company’s website, the additional content on our website, the additions of links to short video clips, and the addition of social media connections.
The Blog for News Releases is managed by Yvonne Stearns of Calgary, Alberta, who has recently joined the company as a Director, and has also become one of the Administrators of our company’s website. If you have any questions or suggestions, or comments, you can email Yvonne at:
Our company will also be publishing a monthly newsletter on our website, that will provide a monthly update on our company’s progress in developing the new McConnell Electrical Generation Systems (MEGS) prototypes. This Newsletter will be our first Newsletter, and is a follow up to the News Release dated May 15, 2023, that was posted to the website.
Video Productions on the new MEGS prototypes:
Our company is excited to announce the launch of the production of a video that will feature the original Prototype that has been developed to demonstrate the concept of our company’s innovative and patented system. The video will also focus on our company’s development of the next Prototype that will generate energy to produce 500 kilowatts of electricity that will be connected to the Electrical Grid.
The initial video filming was completed on June 29, 2023 and coordinated by Cutting Edge Digital Solutions in conjunction with Clever Collie Productions of Edmonton, Alberta. The filming will continue during the development of the 500 kilowatt prototype, which is planned for testing and commissioning in October of 2023. At that time, the filming footage will be edited and compiled into a final video of 15 to 30 minutes.
New Prototype Development:
In our last News Release, our company confirmed that our new warehouse space was being fixtured, which included the installation of a large hoist mechanism for handling the large components that will be assembled in the development of the new Prototype of the expanded McConnell Electrical Generation System (“MEGS”) that can generate up to 500 kilowatts of electricity, without any use or reliance on fossil fuels or uranium, and will operate from a floor area of approximately 700 square feet.
The fixturing our our warehouse has now been completed, and the hoist mechanism is fully operational. In addition, the platform for the new prototype has now been reinforced to insure that it can safely handle the weight and performance of the new 500 kilowatt Megs Prototype. This platform will be installed into our company’s warehouse space at the commencement of the installation process for the assembly of the components for the new prototype.
Concurrently, our company is involved in the development of the vessels and chambers that will be utilized in the new Prototype. In addition, the ongoing process of procurement of the specialized units required for the Prototype is being finalized. Further, the procured steam turbine unit and the electrical generator unit are also being reconditioned, modified and tested to insure satisfactory results during the commissioning process of the new MEGS prototype.
As this process of development proceeds, our company’s engineers are involved in ongoing meetings with specialists in the development of steam generated electrical units. In addition, consultations are ongoing with researchers and experts in the field of physics and chemistry, to maximize the potential of the process for developing energy for the electrical generation system.
For more information and current news releases, visit the website of the company at: