One Tiny Footprint,
Unlimited Energy

Our Facility will generate electricity from Thermo Fusion Energy from a building of the size of an average home, and will generate sufficient energy for a community, a commercial complex, or an industrial complex.

The Energy created in our facilities will result in fossil fuel reliance and other alternative energy sources becoming inefficient, unnecessary, and obsolete.

Creating Energy for the 5 th Industrial Revolution

Mcconnell Moran

What We Are Doing

Developing a new innovative energy
Implementing a truly green energy technology
Introducing Waste Free Green Energy
Reducing the dependence on electricity delivered through long transmission lines
Mcconnell Moran

Benefits of this power

About Us

Who We Are

Mcconnell Moran

View Our Team

David McConnellDirector

Michael BlainDirector

Ted Tauzon Chief Engineer

David McConnell is Chairman & CEO of McConnell Moran Technology Corporation, and is the leader of a team that has been assembled to develop the McConnell Prototype for thermo fusion energy that will generate energy from the fusion of atoms at high temperatures achieved through an application of physics principles, in order to achieve a self-sustaining, pollution free source for generating electricity
and also for producing hydrogen.

Our Team is led by the Directors & Officers of the Company.

Our Team is assisted by Professional Consultants and Advisors.


About Thermo Fusion


New Technology of MMTC


Expansion Strategy of MMTC:


The test results for the McConnell prototype will be completed by July 15, 2022, which will lead to an expansion strategy, including filing of patents, trademarks and copyrights, securing larger facilities, and constructing a commercial McConnell prototype for larger commercial electrical generating.


Utilizing the results from the prototype, expansion will proceed to build a commercial model of the McConnell facility that will generate at least 3.5 megawatts of electricity or more, which could service the electrical needs of a small city or town.


Completion and final testing of larger facility within 6 months of implementation.

News Release

Marketing and Expansion of this innovative technology is in the planning stages.
Mcconnell Moran

Latest News & Blogs

Highlights On The MMTC MEGS Technology

Highlights On The MMTC MEGS Technology

Much awaited interview with Dave McConnell, CEO of MMTC. Dave explains the progress that has been made with the 500 KW Prototype and what our nexts steps will be in the coming weeks and months. These are exciting times for…
The much awaited Interview with Mr. Dave McConnell

The much awaited Interview with Mr. Dave McConnell

Much awaited interview with Dave McConnell, CEO of MMTC. Dave explains the progress that has been made with the 500 KW Prototype and what our nexts steps will be in the coming weeks and months. These are exciting times for…
Stay tuned - Interview with Mr. Dave McConnell

Stay tuned - Interview with Mr. Dave McConnell

Coming soon, Dave McConnell, CEO of MMTC explains the progress that has been made with the 500 KW Prototype and what our nexts steps will be in the coming weeks and months. These are exciting times for MMTC. Please stay…
Mcconnell Moran

Read Our Latest Update

Highlights On The MMTC MEGS Technology

Much awaited interview with Dave McConnell, CEO of MMTC. Dave explains the…